Amethyst is a very popular and attractive gemstone that is found in various parts of the world. This gemstone is a form of quartz, which is the second most commonly found mineral on earth, the first being feldspar. Quartz is found in almost all sands and in granites on earth and hence, it is no wonder that amethyst gemstones are widely available. However, in spite of being widespread, the gemstone continues to hold fascination since ancient times. The colors of these gemstones are so attractive that they are found in the crowns of royal families in the European countries. Let us have a look into the colors of amethyst gemstones.
Famous for its purple color, amethysts are available in lavender, green, mauve and violet. The gemstone gets its color from color center, which is a defect in the structure of crystal. On heat treatment, the color center in the crystal absorbs colors other than purple shades and these shades are transmitted. Thus, amethyst gets its color. It is believed that amethyst promotes spiritual growth and protects the wearer from various hazards. It is considered to improve one’s perspective of life and bring peace of mind. The colors in amethysts are associated with certain properties.
Purple Amethysts
The most popular and commonly available color in amethyst is the purple color. Purple amethysts are not only attractive; they are considered to possess healing powers. It is believed to work well to cure insomnia and aid in detoxification. It is also believed to boost immunity.
Green Amethysts
Originally purple in color, amethysts acquire green shades after heat treatment. The heat treatment could be manmade or the works of nature. Volcanic activity or natural heating of the core of the earth could cause amethysts to change to green color from purple. Hence, it is said that green amethysts share many qualities associated with purple and offer some of the benefits related to purple gemstone. Green amethyst is used to open the Third Eye chakra and Crown Chakra. These chakras aid in enhancing the quality of one’s life by bringing in love, warmth and compassion. Thus, wearing green amethysts will enhance one’s thought and improve relationships. They are also considered to help the wearer flourish in life as they are supposed to bring good luck.
Pink Amethysts
When a natural amethyst has a shade of lavender, it is called pink amethyst. This gemstone is associated with some of the most important traits including love and harmony. It is also said to enhance level of tolerance.
The primary color being purple, amethysts come in shades of purple. Whatever the color, the common benefits of this gemstone is to aid in detoxification and bring calmness to the mind. Amethysts of all colors are considered useful in meditation as they calm the mind. The gemstone aids in spiritual progress thus enhancing the quality of life of the wearer. Amethyst is appreciated since ancient times not only for its sheer beauty but also for the superior qualities it is associated with. It is used in the making of various types of jewelry and worn as an adornment and also for the message it conveys.