
Name : Lee Horowitz

Country : United States

City : Sinking Spring,

About Me : Lee Horowitz has been in the gemstone business since 1988 . Having mining operation in Peru and a cutting facility with Marcel Ryzenberg of Peru Blue Opal Ltd He was also the first to operate a cutting facility in P{nohm Pehn Cambodia ie Kingdom of Cambodia Int Gems Co Ltd. Mr Horowitz is a gemologist who has expertise in Gemstones of Peru and also in gemstones of east africa ie kenya, tanzania and zambia. In addtion he is a well known lecturere to many groups such as bead societys, GIA alumni societys, Gem and Mineral Societys, etc His latest find can be found starting July4th 2009 on Kenya's new blue color change garnet one of the worlds newest finds. from Taita Teveta Kenya