Can Gomed Gemstone (Hessonite Garnet) be worn on right-hand ring finger?

Home Forums Specific Discussion Astrology Can Gomed Gemstone (Hessonite Garnet) be worn on right-hand ring finger?

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    @ Ritesh,

    Certainly will help you with that. Apart from this without even chanting mantras he should find good aliance after July of this year as major favourable transformation is going to happen.

    Will suggest you by tomorrow if you don’t mind as I am little busy today. Or, maybe other expert astrologers will come forward to help you on this before I can.

    GOD BLESS!!!

    Srinivasa Temkar



    You’re correct regarding the astrological aspect as our Sages may have not known about new gemstones that are available today in the market. However, as a very cheap alternative these less priced gemstones (citrine, yellow topaz, amethyst, iolite etc.) can be used instead of costlier ones. Some alternative (based on astrological aspect) is better than wearing nothing at all.

    However, regarding chemical composition of gemstones; different family of gemstones have very different chemical composition and properties, crystal structure, inclusions etc. All Sapphire (Yellow, Blue, White, Green, Pink etc.) and Ruby have same chemical composition with little difference in trace elements for coloring agents (which you’re talking about here) as they belong to the same family/parent i.e. corrundum ( However, other gemstones like Emerald which belongs to Beryl ( family is differnet as regard to chemical composition and same goes for other precious and semi-precious gemstones like pearl, coral, diamond etc. which are very different in chemical composition.

    But, I agree that for best astrological effects it is best to wear those gemstones which have been mentioned by our Sages in there scared books of astrology. 🙂


    Hi Ritesh,

    As Sade Sati has already started for your brother, so tell him to do some good deeds, respect elders and always favor justice. After approximately one year, the testing time will start for your brother on the affect of sade sati. To reduce those effects he can reading Hanuman Chalisa and visit Hanuman / Shanishwar Temple on Saturday evenings and offering black sesame (tila) seeds.

    Along with that, on fortnightly on Saturdays heat an steel black colored griddle (tava), after it gets heated take out the tava griddle (tava) and above it sprinkle few drops of milk by worshiping lord Shani / Saturn. And also ask him to offer some food for black crows. These remedies should be followed for next 5 years to overcome the difficulties.

    To get a good match for your brother ask him to chant below mantras on every Friday in evening at any goddess temple for atleast 6 times:


    Along with this, he has to worship Narasimha Deva / Kartikeya (Murugan) every Tuesday and offer red flowers and chant below mantra for minimum 9 times:


    If possible, he should wear diamond on his right hand little finger. If you cannnot afford one at least get him a Natural White Zircon or Synthetic Cubic Zirconia (also known as CZ and American Diamond) of 2, 4 or 6 carat. Synthetic Cubic Zirconia is not too costly, it may cost you around 1000 INR for a standard AAA quality gemstone; however it is a man-made gemstone (but something is better than nothing).

    It is better not to delay and ask him to start following above suggestions as soon as possible.

    GOD BLESS!!!

    Srinivasa Temkar

    Ritesh Shende

    Hello Srinivasa Temkar,

    Many thanks for your help!

    Can you please provide me your response on an urgent basis for the below query. It’s regarding my brother “Satish Shende”. He is planning for his marriage. His birth details are as follows:

    • DOB: March 6, 1983
    • TOB: 3:00 PM
    • POB: Nagpur, India

    Can you please let me know whether his Kundli is matching with the girl we have selected for him? Her brith details are as follows:

    • Name: Sarika Turkar
    • DOB: June 19, 1991
    • TOB: 11:30 AM
    • POB: Ghorhad near Wardha, India.

    Also let me know is it alright if they will marry or will it arise any complications, difficulties after their marriage?


    Hi Ritesh,

    As per the details provided above the compatability of your brother and aliance doesn’t match. As their is Naadi dosh, which is not favourable for marriage, and it may lead to separation. 

    As per horoscope match as well both are having vivaha viyog i.e separation yog so it would be better to avoid this match.


    Srinivasa Temkar

    Ritesh Shende

    Hi Srinivasa,

    As per your response received from earlier post, it states that

    “After mid-of-July you will start finding some good environment and peace in life and welcome a new family member. And even your Dasha is favorable to you till next year August 2015. Hence this will be your good time.”

    “After mid-of-July come back to our forum and I will suggest you some auspicious muhurat (I can see people using general muhurat which is not an eminent astrologer’s practice. To find perfect muhurta i.e. auspicious time it takes hours of calculations and it will last only for few minutes and not the whole day) to wear Blue Sapphire, which will improve your future health, wealth, name and fame. And even it will help you in clearing all your bad credits. And along with that you can wear Yellow Sapphire for family related upliftment but before that Blue Sapphire is more essential.”

    I lost my Panna (Emerald) gemstone 2.5 months ago. Currently I am wearing only hessonite garnet (gomed) ring in middle finger. I am also chanting the 2 mantras you have provided.

    Can you please provide me suitable date and time by when should I wear Blue Sapphire gemstone and in which finger for good opportunities.

    Ritesh Shende

    Hi Himanshu,

    As per your earlier response, you have suggested me some natural gemstones Instead of  Blue and yellow sapphire to buy it from ebay.

    There are various options available in ebay for searching Amethyst and  Iolite gemstones with various names. could you please suggest an exact name and color while choosing it from eBay. 

    Many thanks in advance.

    “Instead of Blue Sapphire you can use Amethyst (comes in blue and violet color). For 5 to 6 carat it would cost around Rs. 400 to 500. Another option which will be little costlier would be Iolite (comes in blue and violet color) which might cost around Rs. 1000 to 1500 for 5 to 6 carat of a decent quality.And, instead of Yellow Sapphire you can use Citrine (it comes in yellow color) and would also cost around Rs. 400 to 500 for a decent quality of 5 to 6 carat. Another option which will be little costlier than Citrine would be Yellow Topaz (comes in yellow color) which might cost around Rs. 500 to 1000 for a decent quality.”



    Please check this for Amethyst from

    Ritesh Shende

    Hi Srinivasa,

    As per your response received from earlier post, it states that

    “After mid-of-July you will start finding some good environment and peace in life and welcome a new family member. And even your Dasha is favorable to you till next year August 2015. Hence this will be your good time.”

    “After mid-of-July come back to our forum and I will suggest you some auspicious muhurat (I can see people using general muhurat which is not an eminent astrologer’s practice. To find perfect muhurta i.e. auspicious time it takes hours of calculations and it will last only for few minutes and not the whole day) to wear Blue Sapphire, which will improve your future health, wealth, name and fame. And even it will help you in clearing all your bad credits. And along with that you can wear Yellow Sapphire for family related upliftment but before that Blue Sapphire is more essential.”

    I lost my Panna (Emerald) gemstone 2.5 months ago. Currently I am wearing only hessonite garnet (gomed) ring in middle finger. I am also chanting the 2 mantras you have provided.

    Can you please provide me suitable date and time by when should I wear Blue Sapphire gemstone and in which finger for good opportunities.

    Also one astrologer suggested me not to wear Blue Sapphiregemstone as it is very powerful and due to this it will create problem to your mother. please suggest what should I do..

    Your quick response will be highly appreciete.


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