Thank you Srinivasa, I just

Home Forums Specific Discussion Astrology Blue Sapphire Confusion Thank you Srinivasa, I just


Thank you Srinivasa,

I just have a few points to ask:

I started my business in January 2014, I luckily got contract which I quoted one year ago after I lost my job in New Year without any reason. And still I am trying my best to get more contracts.

Can you please clear me whelther 2½ is gone or is it still running (as 2013 was my worst year).

Regarding family, my father got stroke in 2012 and we are still not able to see him and are eager to see him with VISA as he have lot of hope on us. Even he have no financial problem and also helped me to show handsome money to get visa.

What are the chances to win my appeal as I got my Visa refused and appealed aginst the decision.

If i get this Visa, I will be permanent in 2 years which will help me to take care of business in India and also in UK as we all want to be permanent in UK (as I am here from November 2006) and its also matter of respect at this time.

My daughter was born in December 2010 and she is also not able see her grandparents, so we all want to meet happily after long time but definately with Visa.

Thank you once again for your time.

Kind Regards.
