Hi Rakesh, Sorry for late

Home Forums Specific Discussion Astrology Which gem to wear? Hi Rakesh, Sorry for late


Hi Rakesh,

Sorry for late reply due to my busy schedule.

As per the birth details of your mom, she is born on tuesday, hasta constellation 1st qudrant under virgo zodiac and leo ascendant.

As per her birth details she is an positive attitude person, firm thinker. very soft spoken. And easily forgets her words and get back to the person forgiving him / her. I can see she has fought allot for house hold responsibilites. Even married life was not so happy and it was more like an battle field to her. She is running health issues pertaining to diabeties, skin allergies, cholestral issues, chest cold realted issues, arteristis, leg / joint pains.

As per vimshottari she is running under shani mahadasha from jan 2006 till jan 2025. From last november 2012 she started facing health issues, where from last november 2013 till jan 2014 it provked more especially related to blood pressure and blood related problems arrised more. and from jan 2014 i can see she is having some house related worries more. And due to this she is having more stress and indirectly spoiling her health. And this will be till june 2014 after june 2014 till december 2014 the time is not so favourable so you should take care well.

As per planetory transit, your mom is running under sade sati from last 6.8years. However the shani is under result period and he will give her all the results whether its good or bad based on her works done during testing period. However the sadesati will over by november this year 2014. And from last december 2012, she started having tensions related to money matters. And it will get alright after mid of july this year 2014.


Srinivasa Temkar