Home › Forums › Specific Discussion › Astrology › Regarding Gemstones: Emerald and Blue Sapphire › Hi Harmeet, As per your birth

Hi Harmeet,
As per your birth details provided above, you have born on thursday, Ashwini constellation 4th quadrant, Aries Zodiac and Gemini Ascendant.
As per your birth details, you are an positive attitude person, however everytime end up with dual thoughts and dual options for even single issue. You being short tempered person at the same get calm soon.
As per vimshottari you are running with Moon maha dasha from jan 2005 till jan 2015. During this period you had faced more ups and downs in your business and financial part. And as you can see this situations will remain till next year january.
As per planetory transit you are having troubles from last 25th december 2012 later on due to rahu placement in the seventh house which shows lots of tensions realted to partnerships and business. this troubles which has caused due to rahu and ketu placements will vanish after july this year. And one caution to you after this year november you will be started with Laghu sade sati shani, which means lord saturn will give you test and results during this 2.5 years, and this time will little troublesome to you so you need to start performing saturn remedies during that period.
for your business related you can wear pearl of 2 carat set in silver ring and wear to your right hand ring finger on an auspicious day.
Srinivasa Temkar