Dear Srinivasa, Hope every

Home Forums Specific Discussion Astrology Blue Sapphire Confusion Dear Srinivasa, Hope every


Dear Srinivasa,

Hope every thing is alright.

Can you please see my brother’s horoscope?

Name: Raviraj Singh

  • DOB: February 11, 1982
  • TOB: 9.00 AM
  • POB: Chandigarh, India

He tried to settle in U.S.A. and went there 3 times but did not got any success.

My parents are worried about him as he is 32, not married. Is there any chance for him to set in foreign country and when he will get married.

And I took the 33 mantra with me for last deal which I got even that only for 400 pounds but I got it. And feeling confidented. Hope I will get more to come in line.

Kind Regards