Thanks for your precious

Home Forums Specific Discussion Astrology Which gemstone should I be wearing? Thanks for your precious

Rakesh Kulkarni

Thanks for your precious information and helping me and others!

I have few more questions, if you have some time to look into this.


Can you please see how my and my wife’s health will be in future. I have basically stomach problem (constipation) sometimes and no major health problems since birth. My wife also don’t have any health problems till now; thank to God & Elders!


I am very much inspired by spirituality and meditation. Frankly speaking, I don’t believe in statue/picture God but family is very very religious. However, everyone in family follows and do meditation and other religious stuffs. I believe in higher-self energy i.e. parmatma. Is there any chance that I would be getting some insights (knowledge/wisdom) in near future (after 30 years or so; or maybe earlier).