@ Rakesh kulkarni, You dont

Home Forums Specific Discussion Astrology Which gemstone should I be wearing? @ Rakesh kulkarni, You dont


@ Rakesh kulkarni,

You dont have any kala sarpa yog, i dont know how an astrologer can guide wrongly to people like this. Kala sarpa yog will take place in one’s natal chart all the planets are been covered between rahu and ketu, where as your moon is outside from this custodian.. If you had kalasarpa yog, you would have been totally adamant and fully drowned in problems. You are having rahu and ketu dosh / bad effects which are effecting mainly income, professional and luckiness.

Even you dont have pitra dosha, this will occur when rahu is placed in purva punya stana with sun, where as in your horoscope they are placed in second house so this pitra dosha is null in your horoscope.


Srinivasa Temkar