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Lapis Lazuli, to my knowledge is not transparent. I have a lot of that stuff and it’s like a blue rock. The white in this is not quartz, but broken material, whatever it is. The other little blue one is also transparent, but much different in texture. It also sounds from the description to be what they said it was, but pics of others like it on the internet are not what it seems so I’m not sure.
What I was told is that the blue is sapphire and the spiked blue with yellowish stuff is Afghanite. It has shells and spiky textures and is very brittal. I think the yellow stuff is a hard clay or some earth material that may wash off if I were very careful. It’s only about the size of 1/2 a ripped dollar. The sapphire called one is very large in comparison for being a solid substance. It’s about the same size, but thicker and like one big gem that’s just badly broken.
There is one sapphire in the rock still on this wiki page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapphire) and it looks very similar to the rock around mine. Afghanite pics don’t look anything like what the dark blue one is with yellow so I don’t know what it is, but it doesn’t appear to have any other rocks in it and on the wiki page, it says you find sapphires in alluvium mines, which it says are unconsolidated soil. So I’m not sure how some is in rock and some is in loose soil, but the weird one is in some dirt. When it is wet, it smells like dirt or clay. The other is just a big rock.