Hi Ravi, Its good that you


Hi Ravi,

Its good that you are chanting Hanuman Chalisa, however you should follow some sacred and sanity while chanting this.

1. I can see that you have more chances of settling in Australia rather than in US, just think about it. And you have more chances of working outside the native place or flying to foreign nation after July 2017. That too you have more chances of just secondment for short period or just visit foreign nation for short period.

2. You have chosen the right career as an architect. However you will find more good name and fame in working on your own rather than working under some one.

3. Let me confirm you here that I am giving the predictions based on Southern Astrology as it is the astrology which is been known much for its accuracy and not the lal kitab (red book) predictions. So as per Southern Astrology in your horoscope the Venus is been placed in your 10th house which is house of profession, but in service house Ketu is been place, which show you can’t stay properly for quite a long time in service industry.

Most important question (no. 3) raised by you is because as per your horoscope Venus is dead in your horoscope. So you can’t except drastic changes in your architect career. So you will have to accept the truth.


Srinivasa Temkar