Hi Pavitra, Tell your husband

Home Forums Specific Discussion Astrology Which stone should we wear? Hi Pavitra, Tell your husband


Hi Pavitra,

Tell your husband like this;

“When one is ill then one has to stay back at home, take rest and see a doctor. And one has to take proper medicine for the illness/disease”.

Same way for troubles related to planets our ancient sages has given few remedies / medicines to come out of the ailment / problem. Above mentioned remedies has to do whole heatedly and delicately by him if not it will not work. And his negligence and arrogance nature has given him this situation now. Tell him not to repeat. Yes time is not so favorable I told the prathyantar dasha will end up with in 4 days, and it did his duties and there are following few more planets planning to cause your husband problems so at least he need to get them to his favor, hope you understand.


Srinivasa Temkar