Dear Pavithra, I can

Home Forums Specific Discussion Astrology Which stone should we wear? Dear Pavithra, I can


Dear Pavithra,

I can understand your frustation being an Indian women the feelings towards the marriage and relationship. The remedies what ever you had followed all the above doesn’t even help you, yes i do agree all the above remedies are for progeny however you need to take the relevant pill for the relevant disease rather than taking general pill. You agree right. All the above remedies what you had followed are all general remedies so doesn’t effect.

As you both are carry forwarding the sarpa hatya dosha and Sarpa preta dosha from your past incarnation. You need to feel sorry for the spirit of snake which is behind you both. And the only way to do is perform samskara (funeral) ritural for the snake and you should behave as the same as you had lost some one close to your family. Which will please to certain extent the serpent spirit. And pavamana homa and tila homa are the havans which you need to get it done in kukke subramanya itself and one of the matts there, they will do you need probably go before enquire and fix an appointment for all the three. The first ashlesha bali and Sarpasamskara can be get it done by temple precedings and other two from the mutts.

Along with this i would also suggest you both along with your family like mom and dad and unmarried sibblings visit Gokarna and perform “narayana bali” Pooja there. And tell them to perform this pooja to give mukti to unknown souls / sprits who are troubling you both. And plan to do this before the kukke subramanya pooja.

Looking at your concern i would suggest one more remedy for your separation. Is it possible for both you once again manglya dharan on an auspcious muhurtham? And this had to be performed after all this pooja and it will depends upon both of your timings. So decide your self and come back to me. I will pull out an very much auspcious muhurtham for mangalya dharan. And this has to be done in sacred place only. And there are few more restrictions and rules to be followed. Think and come back to me Okay.  Usally very rarely i suggest this and in your case its very much required.


Srinivasa Temkar