Dear,  According to your

Home Forums Specific Discussion Astrology Please help! Dear,  According to your



According to your horoscope you are Capricorn ascendant. Currently you are going through Rahu Mahadasha – Saturn antardasha. Rahu is placed in Revati nakshatra ruled by Mercury.

Your karaka of marriage is Moon. Moon is posited in the sign of Virgo in the 9th house in UttaraPhalguni nakshatra ruled by Sun. Moon is infant (1 degree), is posited in an afflicted house and also it’s mooltrikona sign Cancer is afflicted by Jupiter and Rahu. So Moon is weak. 


1. Wear a Natural Jyotish Blue Sapphire (4.5+ carats) in Right Middle finger in Silver setting. 

2. Wear a Natural Jyotish Pearl (4+ carats) in Left Ring finger in Silver setting. 

3. Wear a Natural Jyotish Emerald (4.5+ carats) in Left Little finger in silver setting. 

Please remove Amethyst. 

Thank You